Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ummm why did Kim and Reggie break up . . . .

Many say that they broke up because Reggie was too pressured into marrying her. Naawwww dawwwwg that aint it son !
This what happen ; Reggie was using Kim's laptop one night and an IM pops up from Kanye , Reggie acts like he's Kim and finds out that Kanye and them has been secretly "Getting it on" ! Reggie confronted her and she admited it , He then dumped her ! lol.. High Five 'Ye ,

The Game - 400 bars

The Game - 400 Bars | Audio | Rap Basement

Eminem cancels Relapse 2 !

When i herd that Em was canceling Relapse 2, i almost went crazy !!
Em is renaming is Album tha "Recovery , claims to come out June 22nd but more than likely its gonna be pushed back like always making fans wait even more..smh

Album cover ? Hell if i know lmao

The Appetizers

I call these 9's tha "Appetizers because it gives us something to feed on until the White/Black 9's that you seen Micheal Jordan practicing on with in "Spacejam. .These release May 29th. . I might have to cop , will you ?

Drake - Over ( Official video )

A Classic , very creative

Gone for a minute . . . and Now im back again

I took a break and now im returning lOl